Thursday, May 31, 2007

capitol hill and the abc graphics dept.

Well, I've been in the DC area since early Tuesday morning, and I gotta say, I'm having a great time. I've even gotten some work done these last few days and applied for a job. Hopefully something will come of all of it, but at the very least I have some great photos, better memories, and plenty of delicious food to have made my stay well worth it.

Today at lunch my Aunt Bev informed me that her dear friend's son-in-law was a graphic designer at ABC's office here in DC and that he'd been there for 25 years. Well, it turns out that a few phone calls were made and by 7pm tonight, I was signing in at the security desk at ABC's office on DeSales street in downtown Washington.

Steve met us downstairs and showed us (my aunt decided this was something she wanted to see as well) to the graphic department and Steve and I had a nice chat about the software they used (AfterEffects is his favorite program of all time) and the way in which they go about meeting the extremely tight deadlines. It was a really cool visit and a great experience and opportunity.

I'm continually amazed at the avenues available in the graphic/design world. Sometimes it makes me feel I truly did choose the right career path. Maybe. Then I see the kind of work the competition is turning out and I get a little stage fright.

Anyway, Steve is a really cool guy, I don't know what they're paying him, but they should give him a raise. So next time you're flipping through the channels, cruise on by ABC and check out Nightline at 11:30pm, all of the video/animation/visual aid type stuff that comes up onscreen, apart from live action film is done by Steve and his department, as well as the segment lead ins, like You Are What You Eat.

Photos soon... promise.

Oh and take a look at the new layout...
