Alex Garland wrote a book called The Tesseract back in 1999 or 2000 or 2002. I read it over break, in about 4 hours. It is one big story comprised of three smaller stories comprised of several even smaller stories. Each character has its own perspective and importance. All the characters are weighted nearly equally, with more detail to a few key characters. All of this goes back to my Jan. 5th post. George Gissing eloquently expressed the beauty (and frustration, at times) of perspective. Every single individual sees things in a different way.
Garland touches on this in his own way (imagine that) in the Tesseract. The story is much richer with the understanding, emotions and ideas of each character.
Being a huge movie fan, I'm constantly thinking about these sorts of ideas. So what would it be like to make a film with this structure? Each and every character, no matter how seemingly small would have a scene, a story, a weight and importance. You would see one central plot unfolding through the eyes of all of these different people, with their experiences and personalities coloring their view of events.
That's a movie I want to see.
ps - the Tesseract was made into a movie, although I've not seen it. I'm skeptical of its quality.